Map of Venice

DAY 3° Islands of the lagoon

Leaving Venetia island, you can enjoy the open surrounding lands. The destination, in northbound of the Serenissima, is MURANO , where we arrive in streamer ship from Piazzale Roma (boat DM or 41-42). The island that we sight immediately, and that we suggest to visit, is San Michele, monumental cemetery of the town. Between the green cypresses you can admire the white facade of the SAN MICHELE Cimitery.

Map of Murano

We stop at Murano, (MUSEO stop) the symbol of the better tradition in glass art, preserving original gestures and techniques. The numerous laboratories and workshops allow visitors to watch the pieces being made, blown and finished before their eyes.
Going to San Donato you find its basilica, which is like a small Venetia, with the Canal Grande crossing it. It isinteresting to note that not the main facade, but the side facing Murano canal, was mainly east oriented during the construction of the church. Inside, the Orante Virgin, image of a Byzantine Madonna that shining over sparkling wall. This island has other place to visit, the Glass Museum with millenary memories from this ancient art, backing to the Roman period.
Between the islands of Venetian crown one relevant island is the pizzas and laces one: Burano, reachable in steamer ship.

Map of Burano-Mazzorbo-Torcello

The boat to BURANO (boat LN) leave every 30 minutes, from “Faro station”. Once there, you will admire the colors of the houses, true pride of the inhabitants, simple and harmonic single houses chain in which each color clashes with the near one. Across the road, you can see gentlemen seat before the door, probably doing laces. A quiet and simple island connected by bridge to MAZZORBO, place with residences of noble and monasteries in past time. Visit thefourteenth-century church of Santa Caterina, preceded from a small lobby, with fine campanile and cupola. Then, continue towards the Merletti Museum, ancient insular art renowned and appreciated over the world, museum that is accommodated in the Podestà Palace, where precious tablecloths, three from ends of XIX century, excellent and ancient copriletti are done according to ancient techniques. Remember that between the more important island activities is the fishing and strolling between calluses and canals; there is relevant men seeking to fix the nets of their boats. We suggest to stop in a restaurant to eat the daily fish.

From Burano go to Torcello (boat LN). TORCELLO is the most ancient land in Venetia, formerly sediment on lagoon, today preserved as archeological testimony of prestigious past time. Near, you find Borgognoni, in whose place you see the Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral, from the VII century, keeping a precious mosaic of universal Giudizio, from XII-XIII centuries, occupying a whole wall. At side, the Battistero ruins, and Santa Fosca church, with Greek cross, from VII-XI centuries. Exiting by campanile, you find the Cathedral, where, in past time, fishermen and travelers had the reference point. From top you can see the Venice palace. During the short visit to this island, you can visit the Estuary Museum, at Torcello place, with two different sections: the Palazzo del Consiglio, with Medieval and Modern section, and the Palazzo dell'Archivio, from XII century, with archeological section. Testimony of impressive past time, when there was the commercial route with Orient Empire.

Before evening you go from Torcello to Burano until Fondamenta Nuove (Boat LN). Here you  can take a Vaporetto ( Boat 41-42) to come back to San Marco for a stroll until Rialto to admire Venice by night. From here to take again the Vaporetto to Piazzale Roma ( Boat 1 or 82).

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